Learn The Conventional (And Correct) Way To Topstitch A Centered Zipper On Both Sides
A conventional centered zipper application features two equally-spaced topstitched plackets, one positioned on each side of the zipper. The zipper is perfectly centered along the opening, with the zipper teeth aligning with the abutting opening edges.
The easiest, and perhaps most correct, way to topstitch the centered zipper plackets is to tackle one side at a time, and stitch from the bottom to the top. It also helps to hand baste a guideline of each placket topstitch so it can be followed in the stitching process.
1. Starting from the bottom zipper opening, stitch horizontally from the seamline outward following the hand basting line. At the placket's bottom corner, pivot the stitch vertically and continue stitching following the hand basting until you reach the top of the zipper. The first topstitched placket is now complete, let's tackle the second one:
2. Starting at the same point along the seamline, stitch horizontally away from the seam (and the other existing stitch) until you arrive at the bottom placket corner.
3. Pivot the stitch upwards and begin stitching vertically until you reach the top of the zipper.
4. To secure the bottom stitching, use a hand-sewing needle to pull the two topstitch threads to the wrong side of the zipper application. Hand-tie the two threads together to lock the stitching and prevent it from unraveling.
5. Once stitched, remove the hand basting using a seam ripper. Both plackets should be equally spaced on each side of the seam, featuring a smooth stitch application and perfectly straight placket angles.